Illumina Connected Analytics Cohorts: Multi-Omic Cancer Workflow

January 23, 2023

Building cases and controls out of complex genomic and phenotypic data to uncover biomarkers of interest is difficult at scale. The fundamental starting point is cohort selection. This demonstration shows how Illumina Connected Analytics Cohorts helps researchers build a case and control oncology cohort definition out of complex datasets. To learn more about how you can utilize Cohorts today to accelerate and enable better decision making on your study design, visit: Subscribe to the Illumina video channel A global genomics leader, Illumina provides comprehensive next-generation sequencing solutions to the research, clinical, and applied markets. Illumina technology is responsible for generating more than 90% of the world’s sequencing data.* Through collaborative innovation, Illumina is fueling groundbreaking advancements in oncology, reproductive health, genetic disease, microbiology, agriculture, forensic science, and beyond. *Data calculations on file. Illumina, Inc., 2015. M-GL-01372 View customer spotlight videos View Illumina webinars View Illumina product videos View Illumina support videos

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