Infinium HTS iSelect Custom Beadchips

A fully customizable microarray to interrogate virtually any target across any species to fit your unique study needs.

5760 samples per week max (with 2 iScan systems, 1 AutoLoader 2x, and 2 Tecan robots over an 8-hour day)

Sample throughput

24 samples per array

Number of samples

700K custom markers max

Number of markers

See full details in the specifications table


The Infinium HTS iSelect Custom BeadChips provide access to virtually any marker in the genome to fit unique research needs.

  • Custom high-throughput screening (HTS) genotyping panel 

  • Broad range of throughput capabilities

  • Accurate and reproducible data

Flexible content design

Custom genotyping panels of 3072 to 700K markers per sample can be created in a 24-sample format. Interrogate virtually any target (eg, SNPs, CNVs, indels) to enable focused genotyping applications tailored to specific projects. 

Optional add-on content

Increase efficiency and cost effectiveness of custom studies by combining existing marker sets with new, unique content with the Infinium iSelect+ option.

User-friendly software for streamlined data analysis

Process data directly in Illumina GenomeStudio software to provide streamlined genotype calling, analysis, and reporting.


Required products

Infinium Starter Kit: Select a kit size with the number of samples run at a time. Each kit is processed as a single batch and cannot be divided across multiple experiments. Order multiple small kits if you are processing several low-throughput batches.

iScan System 

Optional hardware to maximize sample throughput and streamline processing of the Infinium Assay:

  • AutoLoader (Single or Dual): Robot and accessories to automate iScan loading

  • Clarity LIMS

  • Infinium genotyping automation pre/post-amplification Tecan option: Robotic system for automated processing in pre/post-PCR area. 

/ Results


The Infinium HTS iSelect Custom BeadChip supports up to 700K custom targets, enabling a wide range of genotyping experimental designs, including fine mapping and validation studies, association studies, genomic scans, and marker-assisted breeding for any species.

Example workflow


Infinium iSelect Custom Beadchip

Track, analyze, and report

Related applications and methods


Infinium HTS iSelect Custom Beadchips Infinium XT iSelect-96 Kit
Assay type Infinium HTS Infinium XT
Automation capability Automated array loader, Liquid handling robot(s) Automated array loader, Liquid handling robot(s)
Description The Infinium HTS iSelect Custom BeadChip enables researchers to design a fully customized high-throughput screening panel to interrogate virtually any marker in the genome for virtually any species to fit their research needs.  The Infinium XT iSelect-96 Kit enables cost-effective genotyping for large-scale studies on virtually any species with a throughput range of 50K to > 1M samples/year. The BeadChip supports up to 100K nonhuman and 50K human markers with prevalidated or novel custom content.
Input quantity 200 ng 200 ng
Instruments iScan System iScan System
Method Custom array High-throughput genotyping array, Custom array
Nucleic acid type DNA DNA
Number of markers 700K custom markers max 50K custom markers
Number of samples 24 samples per array 96 samples per array
Sample throughput 5760 samples per week max (with 2 iScan systems, 1 AutoLoader 2x, and 2 Tecan robots over an 8-hour day) > 1M samples/year max. Range: 100K to > 1M samples/year.
Specialized sample types FFPE tissue
Species category Drosophila, Any species, Shrimp, Mammalian, Tomato, Bovine, Mouse, Canine, Yeast, Rice, Zebrafish, Ovine, Hamster, Chicken, Porcine, Human, Rat, Equine, Plant, Virus, Maize, Nematode, Bacteria, Soybean Drosophila, Any species, Shrimp, Mammalian, Tomato, Bovine, Mouse, Canine, Yeast, Rice, Zebrafish, Ovine, Hamster, Chicken, Porcine, Human, Rat, Equine, Plant, Virus, Maize, Nematode, Bacteria, Soybean
Technology Microarray Microarray
Variant class Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Germline variants, Structural variants, Insertions-deletions (indels), Copy number variants (CNVs) Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), Germline variants, Insertions-deletions (indels)

Selection tools:


Illumina genotyping platform

The Illumina iScan System is compatible with all current genotyping array products offered by Illumina, supporting a wide range of applications.


Custom genotyping assay details

  Custom Infinium iSelect Semi-Custom Infinium
Number of markers assayed - 3K - 700K Up to 4.8 milliona
Format 24 samplesb Variable
Sample throughput Up to 5760 samples/weekc Up to 5760 samples/weekc
FFFPE compatible
LIMS support
Automation support

a. 4.3M markers base content, 500K additional custom content.
b. Dependent on the number of custom markers selected.
c. Assuming 2 iScan systems, 1 Autoloader 2x, and 2 Tecan robots over an 8-hr day.
Abbreviations: FFFPE, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded; LIMS, Laboratory Information Management System

Custom content (6)

Infinium HTS iSelect-24 Kit (48 Samples, up to 700K)


The Infinium HTS iSelect-24 48-Sample Kit contains 2 custom BeadChips designed to interrogate up to 700,000 custom targets and reagents to process 48 DNA samples through the Infinium HTS workflow.

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List Price:


Infinium HTS iSelect-24 Kit (288 Samples, up to 700K)


The Infinium HTS iSelect-24 288-Sample Kit contains 12 custom BeadChips designed to interrogate up to 700,000 custom targets and reagents to process 288 DNA samples through the Infinium HTS workflow.

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Infinium HTS iSelect-24 Kit (1152 Samples, up to 700K)


The Infinium HTS iSelect-24 1152-Sample Kit contains 48 custom BeadChips designed to interrogate up to 700,000 custom targets and reagents to process 1152 DNA samples through the Infinium HTS workflow.

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iSelect® 8x1 LCG Custom DNA Analysis Kit (48 samples)


Each 8x1 Infinium iSelect LCG Custom Kit contains reagents for processing 48 DNA samples and analyzing up to 2.5M loci.

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iSelect® 8x1 LCG Custom DNA Analysis Kit (96 samples)


Each 8x1 Infinium iSelect LCG Custom Kit contains reagents for processing 96 DNA samples and analyzing up to 2.5M loci.

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iSelect® 8x1 LCG Custom DNA Analysis Kit (384 samples)


Each 8x1 Infinium iSelect LCG Custom Kit contains reagents for processing 384 DNA samples and analyzing up to 2.5M loci.

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Automation (6)

AutoLoader 2.x, Single-Scanner Configuration (110/220 V)


Includes one AutoLoader 2.x robot, five hotels, 10 black carriers, one AutoLoader 2.x baseplate, one iScan baseplate, installation, Illumina AutoLoader software, and one-year standard warranty to support one iScan System. iScan System sold separately.

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AutoLoader 2.x, Dual-Scanner Configuration (110/220 V)


This kit supports customers who want to maximize utilization of their iScans and sample throughput capacity by enabling automated loading of two iScans. It includes one AutoLoader robot, five hotels, twenty carriers, baseplates, installation and the Illumina AutoLoader software. iScan sold separately. One-year standard warranty.

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Infinium Automated Pipetting System with IAC (110V)


This package supports customers who want to automate their Infinium processing and integrate a LIMS system (sold separately). It includes a LIMS-ready Tecan Freedom EVO 150cm liquid handler with RoMA ARM equipped to run the Pre-AMP OR Post-AMP Infinium Assay protocols, robotic accessories and Robot Control Software. LIMS server, software and license sold separately.

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Infinium Automated Pipetting System with IAC (220V)


This package supports customers who want to automate their Infinium processing and integrate a LIMS system (sold separately). It includes a LIMS-ready Tecan Freedom EVO 150cm liquid handler with RoMA ARM equipped to run the Pre-AMP OR Post-AMP Infinium Assay protocols, robotic accessories and Robot Control Software. LIMS server, software and license sold separately. NOTE: This does not include the Te-Flow Rack/Water Circulator kit, which is required for the Infinium workflow and must be ordered separately (PN 20028404)

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Infinium Automation Kit- 8 Tip Tecan Non-LIMS (110V)


The sale and quoting of this instrument is currently discontinued due to a change in the array platform roadmap that will support future workflows on a RoMa Infinium Automation Pipetting System (Formerly called Tecan) only. We want to make sure that customers will benefit from any new releases without having to purchase a new robot. Please quote product numbers: 11201220 (220V) or 11201238 (110 V) instead. If this presents an issue from a budgeting standpoint please contact the product manager.

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Infinium Automation Kit- 8 Tip Tecan Non-LIMS (220V)


The sale and quoting of this instrument is currently discontinued due to a change in the array platform roadmap that will support future workflows on a RoMa Infinium Automation Pipetting System (Formerly called Tecan) only. We want to make sure that customers will benefit from any new releases without having to purchase a new robot. Please quote product numbers: 11201220 (220V) or 11201238 (110 V) instead. If this presents an issue from a budgeting standpoint please contact the product manager.

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Services (1)

Infinium® Assay: An Introduction – Customer Site


Three-day, hands-on instruction at customer site to familiarize users with the essential steps in the Infinium protocol. Course provides hands-on training in sample and BeadChip preparation, sample scanning using the iScan System, and primary data evaluation and analysis using array analysis software.

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Selection summary



Unit Price


Add-On Content enables researchers to stay up to date with recent discoveries by adding custom content onto an existing BeadChip. This can increase efficiency and cost effectiveness in study design and helps core labs and researchers create highly differentiated service offerings and optimized content for their studies. The amount of Add-On Content supported depends on the base content and associated BeadChip and will vary for each product.

Creating and ordering custom assays in DesignStudio Microarray Assay Designer is completed in five simple stages:

  • Start new design
  • Configure new design
  • Create and add input target files to design
  • Review design
  • Order design


For more details, refer to this technical note. Online support is available to provide detailed instructions for the design and ordering process.

/ Results

NovaSeq X Series ordering

Advanced chemistry, optics, and informatics combine to deliver exceptional sequencing speed and data quality, outstanding throughput, and scalability.

MiSeq Reagent Kit v3

Optimized reagent kit that provides increased cluster density and read length, improving sequencing quality scores compared to earlier versions.

TruSight Oncology 500

Enable CGP with a large pan-cancer panel covering all major variant classes plus gene signatures (TMB, MSI, and HRD) from FFPE tissue.

Illumina DNA Prep

A fast, integrated workflow for preparing libraries for use in a wide range of sequencing applications.

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Reach out for information about our products and services, or get answers to questions about our technology.