Plotting % Occupied by % Pass Filter to optimize loading concentration

October 29, 2020

The % Occupied by % Pass Filter plot allows users to optimize the loading concentration for NovaSeq 6000 and iSeq 100. The % Occupied and % Pass Filter metrics can be plotted in Sequencing Analysis Viewer (SAV) to determine if a run was underloaded, optimally loaded, or overloaded. This tutorial covers how to create the plot and how to interpret it. Subscribe to the Illumina video channel A global genomics leader, Illumina provides comprehensive next-generation sequencing solutions to the research, clinical, and applied markets. Illumina technology is responsible for generating more than 90% of the world’s sequencing data.* Through collaborative innovation, Illumina is fueling groundbreaking advancements in oncology, reproductive health, genetic disease, microbiology, agriculture, forensic science, and beyond. *Data calculations on file. Illumina, Inc., 2015. View customer spotlight videos View Illumina webinars View Illumina product videos View Illumina support videos

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