How the UK is setting new standards for genomic research and better health care
DRAGEN secondary analysis helps UK Biobank identify ~1.5 billion variants from a half-million genomes.
Accurate, comprehensive, efficient analysis
A suite of bioinformatics pipelines to process NGS data and maximize genomic discovery
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Illumina DRAGEN (Dynamic Read Analysis for GENomics) secondary analysis enables labs of all sizes and disciplines to maximize the value of the genome with powerful, cutting-edge data analysis tools. DRAGEN secondary analysis provides accurate, comprehensive, and highly efficient bioinformatics with multiple deployment options, applications, and pipelines to meet your research needs.
Access DRAGEN secondary analysis via an on-premises server, cloud-based, or on-instrument solution. Multiple deployment options support your analysis needs without compromising accuracy, speed, or flexibility.
DRAGEN secondary analysis supports an extensive range of applications, providing comprehensive coverage for many experiment types in a single solution. Key applications include:
DRAGEN secondary analysis includes a versatile set of pipelines that can accept input data files and create output files at different stages of the pipelines.
DRAGEN v4.3 is here with new features that enhance the coverage of the genome including a next-generation multigenome (graph) reference that can now incorporate hundreds of high-quality assemblies such as those built by the Human Pangenome Reference Consortium (HPRC); a new machine learning mosaic calling model in the small variant caller; and a new family of specialized callers called MRJD (Multi-Region Joint Detection) that can be used for screening in paralogous regions for mutations in difficult genes such as PMS2. Hear more about the new features in the upcoming technical webinar on DRAGEN 4.3.
In our hands, using DRAGEN [secondary] analysis, we have realized cost savings of approximately 50%. In terms of computational time, it’s almost double the speed compared to the manual method.
From genetic diseases to oncology to pharmacogenomics and more, DRAGEN secondary analysis can help labs in any field scale up NGS operations and make game-changing genomic analysis a reality.
DRAGEN secondary analysis helps UK Biobank identify ~1.5 billion variants from a half-million genomes.
DRAGEN secondary analysis helps Cardio-CARE cut their data-processing time, reduce their data storage footprint by 80%, and rapidly analyze WGS data for a study with 9000+ participants.
The DRAGEN PGx pipeline enables genotyping of 20 genes related to drug metabolism to support new drug development.
The evolution of the multigenome mapping methodology using pangenome references, showing significant accuracy improvements.
Discover how DRAGEN somatic indel methods enabled high accuracy variant calling in the NCTR indel calling from Oncopanel Sequencing Data Challenge.
Discover how multi-region joint detection (MRJD) addresses the challenge of de novo germline variant calling in difficult to map regions of the genome.
View more details about DRAGEN secondary analysis features, learn how to order, and find product documentation. You can also speak to a specialist to get your questions answered.
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