580 views | 9 years ago
After struggling with infertility for 6 years and undergoing multiple intrauterine insemination (IUI) and in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycles without success, couple Helen and Louis wondered if a child...
2005 views | 9 years ago
Next-generation sequencing (NGS) is revolutionizing research, enabling experiments that weren’t possible previously. Subscribe to Illumina on YouTube: http://bit.ly/IlluminaYouTube Researchers can now...
1051 views | 9 years ago
The staff at the University of Minnesota Genomics Center shares their story using automated library-prep. http://www.illumina.com/systems/neoprep-library-system.html Hear about the advantages of the...
419 views | 9 years ago
After two miscarriages, couple Talia and Dan worried whether they could conceive a healthy child. The third time they became pregnant, they tried noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT)—a screening test...
30565 views | 9 years ago
A single cell is the smallest building block in biology. Each and every cell contains an entire genome with all the information to create an entire organism – be it a bacterium or a buffalo cell. Recent...
5154 views | 9 years ago
Single cell sequencing is revolutionizing our understanding of the mechanism of tumor progression, tumor development, and metastasis. This may ultimately lead to improved cancer detection, diagnosis,...
4711 views | 9 years ago
There is an epidemic of obesity and chronic inflammatory disorders in urban, western societies. Subscribe to Illumina on YouTube: http://bit.ly/IlluminaYouTube Modern lifestyles are very different from...
1118 views | 9 years ago
Twenty-five years ago, the first unaffected baby was born following in vitro fertilization (IVF) with preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) for an X-linked disorder. Since then, many improvements...