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Advantages of next-generation sequencing for IVF clinics with Dagan Wells | Illumina Video

476 views | 10 years ago

High-throughput, next-generation sequencing for Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) to detect aneuploid embryos is a game changer for IVF clinics and labs. Clinics are increasingly turning to PGS...

Talia & Dan H. | A Noninvasive Prenatal Screening Patient Success Story

419 views | 9 years ago

After two miscarriages, couple Talia and Dan worried whether they could conceive a healthy child. The third time they became pregnant, they tried noninvasive prenatal testing (NIPT)—a screening test...

Michael Rossi: Advancing Clinical Cancer Research With NGS

415 views | 8 years ago

Michael Rossi, Phd discusses the important role of next-generation sequencing (NGS) in clinical cancer research. Dr. Rossi explains how NGS enables researchers to cost-effectively...

Reducing Complication Risks with Single Embryo Transfer: Dr. Robert Anderson | Illumina Video

386 views | 9 years ago

Discover how preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) is advancing reproductive genetic health. Hear from Dr. Robert Anderson, Director of the Southern California Center for Reproductive Medicine and...

Reproductive and Genetic Health (RGH) Portfolio: Tony Gordon | Illumina Video

366 views | 9 years ago

Tony Gordon, Genesis Genomics Managing Director (US) and Lab Director (UK) discusses how the Illumina portfolio empowers reproductive health labs with its ability to run both pre-and postnatal tests...

Noninvasive Prenatal Testing: Patient Success Story

345 views | 8 years ago

After two miscarriages, couple Talia and Dan worried whether a child was in their future. The third time they became pregnant, they were excited and also nervous. They wanted a way to know whether their...

VeriSeq : Delivering accurate and rapid results to the IVF clinic with Simon Fishel| Illumina Video

251 views | 10 years ago

Accurate, rapid delivery of results is invaluable to IVF clinics, physicians, and the patients they serve. The VeriseqTM is built to handle high throughput demand with speed and accuracy. Learn more...

The Evolution of Better Embryo Selection with Dagan Wells | Illumina Video

245 views | 10 years ago

Traditional genetic embryo screening methods have been limited by less accurate, non-quantitative lab analysis. IVF success rates have been low as a result of the higher risk of miscarriage and genetic...