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Zika virus: From Neglected Tropical Disease to Global Threat | Illumina SciMon Video

982 views | 8 years ago

In a world of rapid international travel, obscure viral infections such as Zika, Chikungunya, and Dengue can quickly spread to become a global crisis. The early symptoms of these serious diseases are...

Diet: You are What you Eat! | Illumina SciMon Video

927 views | 10 years ago

The Illumina Scientific Affairs team discusses how sequencing is used to track changes in the microbes that colonize our gut in relation to the food we consume. With a balanced diet the gut microbiome...

Nature vs. Nurture: An Introduction to Epigenetics | Illumina SciMon Video

922 views | 9 years ago

Have you ever wondered why your heart cell is different from your brain cell, when they both contain the same DNA? The answer is Epigenetics! Epigenetics is the study of changes in organisms caused...

Futurecasting: Why Now is Just the Beginning

909 views | 3 years ago

Moderator: Susan Tousi, Illumina Panelists: Sue Hill, NHS England; Chris Mason, Weill Cornell Medicine; Charles Rotimi, National Institutes of Health; Michael Sherman, Harvard Pilgrim and Tufts Health...

Dogs and MRSA: Keeping pets safe | Illumina SciMon Video

883 views | 9 years ago

Learn how 16S rRNA gene sequencing was to study the households of outpatients with MRSA and understand MRSA colonization and infection in companion animals. Learn more at:

Cheese Making: Ancient Art or the Simplicity of Science| Illumina SciMon Video

853 views | 9 years ago

Cheesemakers manage to make the same type of cheese in different parts of the world. Cheese and its rind are both a complex community of bacteria and fungus. Researchers use Illumina sequencing technology...

Shining a light on the genomics of solar panels contamination

835 views | 7 years ago

Learn how scientists around the world are using next-generation sequencing to identify microbial species living on solar panels. Learn more at: Products: Illumina...

The origin of fishfingers: CRISPR/Cas9 in the study of evolutionary and developmental biology

795 views | 7 years ago

CRISPR-Cas9 is a powerful study in the fields of developmental and evolutionary biology. Recent studies on fish, butterflies, and crustaceans are great examples on how this technique can be used to...