
Comprehensive Genomic profiling (CGP) is becoming the standard of care in oncology. It allows clinicians to maximize clinical information from limited biopsy samples so that patients are matched with approved therapies or enrolled in relevant clinical trials.

In this workshop, a pathologist and an oncologist will discuss the impact of implementing CGP assay at their institution. They will describe how they collaborate and examine how local access to an expert to manage sample yields, expedite access to results, and assist with genomic data interpretation was instrumental to improved patient care and outcomes. They will discuss a few clinical cases to highlight the value of in-house comprehensive CGP assays.


  • Reasons to implement and value of a flexible future-proof DNA+RNA CGP in-house assay.
  • The impact of reflex CGP testing settings on testing decision trees and workflow consolidation.
  • Value of sample management and genomic literacy for oncologists and molecular tumor boards.


Wei Song

Wei Song, B.M., Ph.D.
Director, Clinical Genomic Laboratory
Director, Division of Molecular and Genomic Pathology
Assistant Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Weill Cornell Medicine

Ashish Saxena

Ashish Saxena, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine
Division of Hematology & Medical Oncology
Thoracic Oncology Service
Weill Cornell Medicine

Prithwish Pal

Prithwish Pal, PhD, MBA
Associate Director
Global Medical Affairs (Oncology)

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Date & Time
Nov 18, 2021
9:00 AM
North America
Weill Cornell Medicine
Wei Song and Ashish Saxena, Moderated by Prithwish Pal, Illumina
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