
ABRF 2019, "30 Years of Challenging the Limits of Science and Technology, Opening Doors for the Future" , will bring together international leaders in core disciplines to provide a vision of what can be done, and insight toward making further progress. 
Highlights of the ABRF 2019 Annual Meeting include scientific sessions and workshops that allow presenters and attendees to explore and discuss in-depth critical scientific and technical issues encountered in biomolecular core facilities. 

Visit Illumina at Booth #310!

Date & Time
Mar 23, 2019 – Mar 26, 2019
San Antonio, TX
North America
Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities (ABRF)
Agrigenomics, Cancer research, Forensic genomics, Reproductive health, Genetic & rare diseases, Microbial genomics, Transplant genomics
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