Precision nuclear run-on sequencing (PRO-Seq) maps RNAP active sites with base-pair resolution. This approach is similar to GRO-Seq, but it provides the added benefit of single-base resolution. RNAPII initiation sites can be mapped using a modified protocol named PRO-cap.

In PRO-seq, a run-on reaction is carried out with biotin-NTPs (either all 4, or one with additional unlabeled NTPs to reduce cost) and sarkosyl, is carried out in isolated nuclei or permeabilized cells. Incorporation of the single biotin-NTP halts further elongation of nascent RNA strands by RNAPII. The RNA strands are extracted, fragmented, and purified through streptavidin pull-down. Next, 3' adapters are ligated directly to the purified sample before another streptavidin purification step. The 5' ends are repaired using TAP and PNK before ligating 5' adapters. The adapter-flanked RNA fragments are enriched through another streptavidin pull-down process before RT and PCR amplification. The resultant cDNA strands are sequenced from the 3' end.

  • Maps RNAPII pausing sites with base-pair resolution
  • Multiple biotin enrichment steps before PCR
  • Initiation sites can be mapped using a PRO-cap variant protocol
  • Unable to detect arrested or backtracked RNAPII complexes1