BaseSpace Sequence Hub ordering

Manage runs, analyze, store, and share sequencing data in BaseSpace Sequence Hub. Find applications, subscription options, and documentation.


BaseSpace Sequence Hub (BSSH) is a genomics cloud computing software that provides researchers with streamlined run management and intuitive analysis apps in a user-friendly format. BSSH helps growing and established labs scale next-generation sequencing (NGS) operations by offering:

Key features

  • Simplified run planning and analysis configuration with reduced manual touch points

  • Out-of-the-box analysis apps for diverse research needs

  • Expandable storage for changing laboratory needs

  • Efficient conversion of sequencing data to a standard format and direct streaming to the cloud

  • Immediate data sharing and collaboration with peers

Efficient run setup, monitoring, and analysis

Integration with all Illumina sequencing systems enables one-stop run planning, analysis configuration, and real-time run monitoring from anywhere.

Streamlined data management and storage

Scale up or down depending on your storage needs—without hardware maintenance or IT support. Archive data for long-term data retention and optimized savings.

Simplified data analysis

Enhance productivity with a curated menu of over 90 point-and-click genomic analysis apps, including DRAGEN, Illumina, and third-party apps.


Compliance certifications


BaseSpace Sequence Hub offers easy-to-use analysis apps that cover an extensive range of analysis methods used with Illumina NGS data, from RNA-Seq to exome/enrichment, amplicon, whole-genome sequencing,  de novo assembly, 16S metagenomics, and more.

Software product portfolio


BaseSpace Sequence Hub

Streamlined cloud-based run setup and monitoring.


Related applications and methods

Plans and pricing

BaseSpace Sequence Hub requires purchase of an annual license and sufficient iCredits to meet data storage and analysis needs based on throughput. 

Subscription options

Feature Basic Professional Enterprise
Included storage 1 TB 1 TB 1 TB
Complimentary credits 250* iCredits 500 iCredits 500 iCredits
Payment plans N/A Monthly billing or pre-paid iCredits Monthly billing or pre-paid iCredits
Run setup and monitoring
FASTQ generation Free Free Free
Data egress Free Free Free
Data sharing
Advanced security and compliance (encryption, ISO 27001 and ISO 27701 certified, ISO 13485 compliant)
API and command-line access
Number of users One Unlimited Unlimited
Workgroups   One Unlimited
Premier security (private Domain, single sign-on**, audit trail, access control)    
HIPAA business associate agreement (BAA) support (US only)    
Service level agreement    

* 250 iCredits expire after 30-day introductory trial. 
** Available for systems with control software that support Universal Copy Service. Not available for all legacy systems.

How much does it cost to process one sample in BaseSpace Sequence Hub?

Application Cost Details
Human whole-genome sequencing 7 iCredits

Sample: 30× hWGS

Size: 120 Gb

App: DRAGEN Germline


Exome sequencing 2 iCredits

Sample: Exome

Size: 100 Gb

App: DRAGEN Germline

Input: FASTQ


Cancer panel 2 iCredits

Sample: Myeloid panel

Size: 50 Mb

App: DNA Amplicon

Input: FASTQ

Output: Somatic variants

Transcriptome 2 iCredits

Sample: RNA-Seq

Size: 50M Reads


Input: FASTQ

Output: Fusions, Transcripts

Differential expression 1 iCredit

Sample: Tumor exome

Size: 10 Gb

App: RNA-Seq Differential Expression

Input: FASTQ

Output: Somatic variants

RNA panel 2 iCredits

Sample: RNA panel

Size: 3 million reads

App: RNA Amplicon

Input: FASTQ

Output: Somatic variants

16S rRNA 1-2 iCredits

Sample: 16S Metagenomics

App: 16S Metagenomics

Input: FASTQ

Output: Taxonomic classification


Product literature


BaseSpace Sequence Hub dashboard

Intuitive BaseSpace Sequence Hub dashboard

Find notifications, status updates, and information about the latest runs and analyses at a glance. 

bssh monitor in real-time

Monitor data in real time

Sequence Analysis Viewer (SAV) capabilities are built into the BaseSpace Sequence Hub user interface, allowing real-time, cycle-by-cycle monitoring. The Charts view shows data by lane and by cycle, with Q-score distribution and heat map features. Each graph can be expanded to full size.

basespace analytical tools dashboard

Launch analytical tools on demand

Browse and explore a growing list of DRAGEN and Illumina apps in the BaseSpace Apps Store, and launch selected apps with a single click directly from the data set.

individual and working group basespace hub

Individual and Workgroup accounts

Log into BaseSpace with personal credentials, then switch between individual and Workgroup accounts. In Workgroup accounts, you can view all runs and analyses common to the Workgroup, as well as use the storage and computation hours purchased by the Workgroup, as shown in the different dashboards.

Explore BaseSpace example data sets

See sample data sets for various methods in BaseSpace Sequence Hub, or test apps of interest and evaluate results interactively.

View sample data sets



BaseSpace Sequence Hub: work better together

Watch an introduction to BaseSpace Sequence Hub to learn how you can store and analyze your genomic data with ease.

Illumina informatics blog

Read about the latest informatics product releases, version updates, and feature highlights.

BaseSpace Sequence Hub informational resources

Get access to a compilation of resources designed to help new users get started with BaseSpace Sequence Hub.

Accelerate coronavirus detection and identification, perform host response studies, simplify your sample tracking, and contribute to public databases.

Software and informatics options (2)

BaseSpace Sequence Hub Professional Annual Subscription


Annual subscription for BaseSpace Sequence Hub Professional. The Professional tier Includes 500 iCredits to get started quickly with BaseSpace apps and data storage, 1 workgroup to enhance collaboration, and access to powerful APIs.

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List Price:


BaseSpace Sequence Hub Enterprise Annual Subscription


Annual subscription for BaseSpace Sequence Hub Enterprise. This subscription includes support for multiple workgroups, private domains, single sign-on, and HIPAA compliance (US-only).

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Data analysis and storage (6)

Illumina Analytics - 1 iCredit


iCredits are used for data storage and analysis on either BaseSpace Sequence Hub or Illumina Connected Analytics.

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Illumina Analytics  Starter Pack - 1,000 iCredits


iCredits are used for data storage and analysis on either BaseSpace Sequence Hub or Illumina Connected Analytics.

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Illumina Analytics  - 5,000 iCredits


iCredits are used for data storage and analysis on either BaseSpace Sequence Hub or Illumina Connected Analytics.

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Illumina Analytics  - 50,000 iCredits


iCredits are used for data storage and analysis on either BaseSpace Sequence Hub or Illumina Connected Analytics.

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Illumina Analytics - 100,000 iCredits


iCredits are used for data storage and analysis on either BaseSpace Sequence Hub or Illumina Connected Analytics.

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Illumina Analytics Consumption Billing


Illumina Analytics Consumption Billing - The not to exceed amount is represented as the amount on the quote. Customers will be invoiced monthly for consumption of compute, storage, and 3rd party Apps up to the amount associated with item number 20012931.

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Selection summary



Unit Price


Yes, a 30-day free trial is available and begins automatically when you first create an account and log in. The trial provides 250 iCredits (expiring after 30 days) that can be applied to compute fees for any BaseSpace app and data storage > 1 TB. After 30 days, you may no longer run apps, but can still monitor sequencing runs, demultiplex uploaded runs, store a limited amount of data, share and transfer with collaborators, and download data.

iCredits are the currency used to purchase Illumina genomic data storage and analysis options. Purchase of iCredits is required for running data analysis apps and storing data in BaseSpace Sequence Hub. Learn more about iCredits and billing for BaseSpace Sequence Hub.

Illumina is committed to keeping customer data confidential and secure. All data sharing is controlled by the customer or their proxy. Illumina uses role-based access controls to inhibit nonauthorized accession of data and audits authorization of role-based access annually.

Illumina provides extensive support for BaseSpace Sequence Hub users. Support documentation, training, and other resources are available on the BaseSpace developer site and BaseSpace support section. You can also contact technical support.

/ Results

NovaSeq X Series ordering

Advanced chemistry, optics, and informatics combine to deliver exceptional sequencing speed and data quality, outstanding throughput, and scalability.

MiSeq Reagent Kit v3

Optimized reagent kit that provides increased cluster density and read length, improving sequencing quality scores compared to earlier versions.

TruSight Oncology 500

Enable CGP with a large pan-cancer panel covering all major variant classes plus gene signatures (TMB, MSI, and HRD) from FFPE tissue.

Illumina DNA Prep

A fast, integrated workflow for preparing libraries for use in a wide range of sequencing applications.

Speak with a specialist

Reach out for information about our products and services, or get answers to questions about our technology.