Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel v2

Targeted custom enrichment panels, providing simple and efficient solutions for multiple targeted sequencing applications.


Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel v2 provide fast, flexible content for targeted sequencing applications, enabling a fully customized enrichment solution.

Key features

  • Design your custom panel easily with DesignStudio, a free online tool

  • Create panels specific for your content of interest, with dynamic feedback to optimize target coverage

  • Design complete custom panels, spike-in panels for addition to exome or other panels, or modify one of our fixed panel designs to meet your needs

  • Enable non-human species designs with support from Illumina Concierge design team

  • Single, simple enrichment solution

Flexible, scalable solution

  • Design large or small panels, from 100 to 1,000,000 probes

  • Order the volume that’s right for your experiments–from as little as 32 µl of probe panel to larger volumes for automated library prep workflows


Required products

Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel v2 is a 120 bp, double-stranded probe panel designed using DesignStudio and includes enrichment oligos for hybridization capture. Library prep, enrichment and index adapter reagents must be purchased separately.

/ Results


Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel v2 is compatible with multiple targeted enrichment workflows. With DesignStudio, panels can be designed for use with multiple Illumina library prep kits.

Example workflow

Related applications and methods


Product literature
Support documentation

A dedicated support section is not currently available for this product


Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel on-target rates

Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel v2 with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment provides higher padded read enrichment and mean target coverage.

Custom enrichment panels v2 DiY design

Illumina Custom Enrichment Panels v2 - flexible, scalable custom enrichment panels with simple DIY design

number of samples expected per flow cell based on probe panel size

Estimated number of samples expected per flow cell based on probe panel size

Custom panel sample calculations assume the indicated target coverage depths using 120 bp double-stranded DNA oligo panels (Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel v2) or 80-mer single-stranded dNA oligo panels (Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel) for target capture at 80% enrichment efficiency and 2 x 101 bp read length chemistry. Number of samples may vary depending on workflow handling, input sample or library quality, and actual sequencing output of each platform and flow cell.


SKU comparison

Part Number Name Volume (µl) # of Samples: Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment # of Samples: Illumina Cell-Free DNA Prep with Enrichment # of Samples: Illumina Complete Long Read Prep with Enrichment
20073953 Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel v2 (32 µl, 120 bp) 32 µl 96 8 (1-plex) or
32 (4-plex)
20073952 Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel v2 (384 µl, 120 bp) 384 µl 1152 96 (1-plex) or
384 (4-plex)
20111339 Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel v2 (1536 µl, 120 bp) 1536 µl 4608 384 (1-plex) or
1536 (4-plex)
    Panel volume per hyb 4 ul probe panel per hyb rxn 4 ul probe panel per hyb rxn Dilute probe panel 5-fold, use 2.5 ul per hyb
    Plexity 12 samples per hyb* 1 sample or 4 samples per hyb 1 sample per hyb
  Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel v2 Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel
Panel size, # of probes 100 to 1,000,000 2000 to 67,000
Oligo format 120 bp double-stranded oligo probes 80-mer single-stranded oligo probes
Available dispense sizes 32 µl, 384 µl, 1536 µl 80 µl
>99.9% of probes present, confirmed by NGS Yes No
Compatible Illumina library preps Illumina DNA Prep with EnrichmentIllumina Cell-Free DNA Prep with EnrichmentIllumina Exome 2.5 EnrichmentIllumina Complete Long Reads Enrichment Illumina DNA Prep with EnrichmentIllumina Cell-Free DNA Prep with Enrichment
Design tool DesignStudio or Concierge Services DesignStudio or Concierge Services
Turnaround time* 3-6 weeks 6-8 weeks
Panel cost $ $$$

*Additional ship time may be needed for non-US destinations

Selection tools:


custom enrichment panel v2 poster web graphic

Comprehensive solution, from probe design to data analysis, for multiple targeted sequencing applications. Our custom-designed panels ensure high uniformity and coverage, with enhanced coverage of GC-rich and difficult to sequence areas.


Illlumina has supported protocols for use of Illumina Custom Enrichment v2 panels with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment and Illumina DNA Prep with Exome 2.5 Enrichment, Illumina cfDNA Prep with Enrichment and Illumina Complete Long Reads with Enrichment workflows.

  Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment Illumina DNA Prep with Exome 2.5 Enrichment Illumina cfDNA Prep with Enrichment Illumina Complete Long Reads with Enrichment
Minimum panel size 500 probes 100 probes (when combined with Exome 2.5) 70kb or 700 probes, for double-stranded probes 2,500 (0.3Mb panel with 190 probes was tested however PRE=34.8%)
Supported plexities 1-plex or 12-plex 12-plex 1-plex or 4-plex 1-plex
Volume of Panel used 4 µl per enrichment reaction 4 µl per enrichment reaction 4 µl per enrichment reaction Dilute panel 5-fold, use 2.5 µl per enrichment reaction
# of samples supported (20073952 Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel v2 (32 µl, 120-bp)
  • 8 samples at single-plex
  • 96 samples at 12-plex
96 samples at 12-plex
  • 8 samples at single-plex
  • 96 samples at 12-plex
64 samples at 1-plex
# of samples supported (20073953 Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel v2 (384 µl, 120-bp)
  • 96 samples at single-plex

  • 1,152 samples at 12-plex

1,152 samples at 12-plex
  • 96 samples at 1-plex 

  • 384 samples at 4-plex

768 samples at 1-plex

Illlumina has supported protocols for use of Illumina Custom Enrichment panels with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment and Illumina cfDNA Prep with Enrichment workflows.

The sample type compatibility is determined by the library prep kit paired with the custom panel. For Early Access we have supported protocols for use of the panels with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment (which is compatible with saliva, blood, purified gDNA and FFPE) and Illumina DNA Prep with Exome 2.5 Enrichment (saliva, blood and purified gDNA). Library prep and enrichment protocols with defined supported sample types will be released with launch of the Illumina cfDNA Prep with Enrichment and Illumina Complete Long Read with Enrichment workflows.

The Illumina Concierge Design Team can help with complex designs, or designs for enrichment panels for non-human targets. This is a free service open to all customers. Contact your Illumina Sales Team representative to get connected to the Concierge team.

/ Results

Panel (3)

Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel V2 (32 µl, 120 bp)


Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel V2 enables 120 bp double-stranded custom panel design from 100 up to 1,000,000 probes using DesignStudio or Concierge Services and provides 32 µl of material (sufficient for 8 enrichment reactions when paired with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment). Library prep, enrichment, and index adapter reagents need to be ordered separately.

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List Price:


Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel V2 (384 µl, 120 bp)


Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel V2 enables 120 bp double-stranded custom panel design from 100 up to 1,000,000 probes using DesignStudio or Concierge Services and provides 384 µl of material (sufficient for 96 enrichment reactions when paired with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment). Library prep, enrichment, and index adapter reagents need to be ordered separately.

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List Price:


Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel V2 (1536 µl, 120 bp)


Illumina Custom Enrichment Panel V2 enables 120 bp double-stranded custom panel design from 100 up to 1,000,000 probes using DesignStudio or Concierge Services and provides 1536 µl of material (sufficient for 384 enrichment reactions when paired with Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment). Library prep, enrichment, and index adapter reagents need to be ordered separately.

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Selection summary



Unit Price

Illumina DNA Prep with Enrichment

A complete targeted resequencing solution for a wide range of applications, with fast integrated workflow and options for custom and fixed enrichment panels.

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